Welcome to LaGuardia Community College’s Honors Student Advisory Committee (HSAC), the student arm of the college’s Honors Program. Since Fall of 2010, HSAC has been comprised of LaGuardia’s Honors students who have committed themselves to creating a community of talented, ambitious and highly-motivated individuals who seek intellectual challenge and the opportunity to serve our communities.
The Honors Colloquium and HSAC’s mission is to provide transfer strategies and resources for students who are aiming to get into selective 4-year colleges and programs. We have grown to be an active and visible force on LaGuardia’s campus, spearheading the Peer Transfer Initiative, as well as cultivating an established and vibrant Honors Alumni Advisory Committee. Additionally, we work with our Honors professors to promote student research opportunities.
HSAC Students are provided with not only resources, but interactive opportunities to excel academically. Besides our robust selection of advanced Honors Courses, HSAC students are also encouraged to participate in the annual conventions of the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) and the Northeast Regional Honors Council (NRHC) as panel moderators, research paper presenters and participants. Published each spring, the Honors Journal showcases of our students’ latest research from their Honors courses.
“The intellectual level of the discussions in Honors classes is amazing and I’ve learned so much! We also had special transfer workshops with directors of admissions of schools like NYU, Sarah Lawerence or City College who came to give us special advice on our transfer process. At the end of the semester, we had the chance to attend a recognition luncheon in our honor and I really felt that I was part of a community.”
- Harmonie Kobanghe, Liberal Arts Major
Graduation Rate
Students who have taken two or more Honors courses in the past five years graduate at a rate of 92%, nearly three times the graduation rate of LaGuardia students in the past six years.
Students who take Honors courses pass their classes at a ~43% higher rate than students in regular sections, thanks to smaller and more dedicated sections.
Regular Sections
Honors Sections
Gender Ratio
Faculty/Student Ratio
What makes the Honors Program special?
Your participation in the Program provides you with access to faculty, alumni and peer networks for your transfer applications, academic aid, and scholarship opportunities. These support systems are valued even after students have graduated from LaGuardia.
Through the Honors Student Advisory Committee (HSAC), you will be exposed to scholarly, leadership and civic engagement opportunities. You will have the chance to prepare research projects to present at local, regional and national Honors conferences.
The Honors Program is designed to enhance the LaGuardia experience for highly motivated students. We are looking for students who want the most out of college and who desire stimulating academic challenges.
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